• Four eras of Evra

    05 September 2020

    I went to see Tenet at the cinema last week. A fast-paced, action-packed, VERY confusing film about spies and time travel -- I enjoyed it, though there were times when I just had to go along with the flow and not think too much about what was happening, or else risk getting lost completely!


    Anyway... the reason I mentioned Tenet is that THIS is kind of a time-travelling post. Have a good look at the four pictures below, all of Evra Von. I think most of you will guess that they were drawn by the same person -- who happens to be a fan called Elli -- and they're all pretty cool. But the reason I'm featuring all four pieces -- instead of choosing a favourite, as I normally would in this situation -- if that Elli drew them at different times of her life over the last eleven years.


    The first one was drawn in 2020, the second in 2017, the third in 2014, and the fourth (with the light background) in 2009. Eat your heart out, Christopher Nolan!!! :-)






    If you want to time travel through my monthly newsletters, they're all catalogued on my web site, so you can dip in and out of all the Darren Shan happenings from the last 20 years at your random leisure, should you so wish -- though my advice would be to save yourself the headache and just check out this month's entry (which includes a very attractive COMPETITION) by clicking here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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