• Four faces of a vampire and his assistant

    13 June 2020

    While artistic Shansters often draw individual pictures of Darren Shan and (especially) Mr Crepsley, they also quite often frame the two of them together, since they were such a closeknit team in the books. Here are four such drawings, and I love the extremely different takes -- it shows how every reader pictures the characters in their own unique way, which I've often said is the reason that books are still going strong in this multi-media age. Movies, TV shows, comics, video games... they're all great story-telling mediums, but in all of them, viewers see the exact same thing, whereas if a book has a million different readers, it will be imagined inside their heads in a million different ways. Reading a book is a truly unique, personal experience, which is why I don't think books are ever likely to go out of fashion. Technology is cool, but words... words rule!!!






    Milo and Katrina.




    The Shanville Monthly always paints a frightfully freaky picture of all the latest Darren Shan news and updates! The June issue contains info about my new Archibald Lox series, plus a whole lot more. https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/

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