• Four odd Demonatas

    05 December 2020

    Quite a few fans mentioned my Demonata books yesterday, when I asked which book of mine they would keep if they could only choose one. (Although I must admit I was delightedly surprised by the amount of love out there for The Thin Executioner.) So I thought today would be a good day to share some unusual Demonata fan art that I've been sitting on for a while.


    First up, a fan called DaddyCannibal (I'm assuming that's just a Twitter handle!) decided to draw Dervish Grady as a dog. Why? Why not?!? :-)



    Another fan of all things demonic called Pabbiecrafts (again, I'm guessing that's just a Twitter name!) drew Grubbs Grady in a sad, reflective moment -- maybe he's just realised that Unlce Dervish is peckish but he's all out of dog treats... :-)



    Another fan called Demonairs (see the above two bracketed notes!) drew Kernel Fleck bald, as described in the books, but also wanted to find out what he would look like with hair, so... :-)



    Finally, it's not fan art at all, but a photo of someone's haircut that a fan called Tog (real name? Twitter name? who even knows anymore?!?) shared with me, figuring it would put me in mind of The Demonata, which it certainly did!! :-)



    The Christmas issue of my monthly newsletter is live. It contains all the latest Darren Shan news and updates, details of a couple of upcoming sales, info about an incoming Christmas story, and a whole lot more. You can check it out by clicking on the following link: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/

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