• Fowl flicks!

    10 September 2020

    In the wake of the Artemis Fowl film flop, plenty of journos were quick to flag up other YA book-series -to-movie adaptations that had fallen at the first or second hurdle, and naturally the Cirque Du Freak film got a mention here and there, as in this article that appeared on Cinema Blend:




    While the arguments about the CDF movie's qualities (or lack thereof) will no doubt rumble on and on (much like vampires), one thing that can't be denied is that the movie lost a LOT of money. The figure of just under $40 million of a budget that's quoted in the article is the figure that Universal prefer to broadcast, since it spares their blushes, but in truth it was WAY north of that point, and the film would have had to have struck box office gold to merit the cameras rolling on a second installment. That's one of the great advantages that books have over films -- no matter how expansive your vision for a story might be, it costs no more to write a multi-world fantasy story than it does to write a story set in a couple of rooms. :-)




    Hey! Shanville Monthly! September issue! Competition!!! Here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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