• Full speed ahead!

    06 September 2010

    It's been pretty much non-stop on the writing front since my last blog! I took a day off on Saturday, but otherwise I've been hammering away at the new book, even putting in a full day on Sunday. I've also spent the last few nights answering fam mail, working my way through the pile which had built up over the last month or two. Back in the old days, before I started touring and going on fancy holidays, I would write Monday to Friday and take the weekends off. These times I have to be more flexible, as I'm usually not at home for long stretches, and have to squeeze in the work where and when I can!! I see almost nobody, and don't get out of the house much when I'm in writing mode -- thank heavens it's work that I enjoy, otherwise it would be unbearable!!!

    I did take a break on Friday night and Saturday though. I went in to Limerick to see Ireland play the first game of the Euro 2012 qualifiers. We enjoyed a hard-earned victory away to Armenia. Not a glamorous game, but it's the quieter, less public results like that that ultimately determine whether or not you qualify for a major tournament. Fair weather fans only see the big matches, but true fans are there all the way, because they know that without the results of apparently minor skirmishes like these, the "big games" become meaningless non-affairs. If we make it to the finals, the road will have started in Armenia on friday, and I'll be able to say I was there in spirit when it really mattered!!!

    On Saturday I had a lovely relaxing day. Bas and I went looking at paint for the new house in the morning (we hope to move in before November, fingers crossed!), then we went to the Milk Market in Limerick for their weekly food market. It's our first time there since they renovated the area, and I have to say it's looking splendid! A real boost for the city. A nice space, packed with stalls offering all sorts of fantastic goodies. I had a hog roast bap, and bought some pies to take away. Good times!!! In the afternoon we tested out some of the paint samples in the house, then went for a gorgeous walk in Curraghchase -- the weather was heavenly. After that we grabbed a doner kebab in Tasty Bites in Askeaton (they make some of the best kebabs I've ever tased) and went to visit my parents and Granny. A bt of TV back home, then bed. Sweet!!! Since then it's been work! Work! WORK!!! But the memory of Saturday has kept me smiling through it all.

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