• Gifts from fans

    05 September 2022

    I received a few hand-made presents from Shansters recently which blew my mind and warmed my heart. I never ask for or expect anything like these from you guys, so it really does touch and amaze me when one of you takes the time to create something so special.


    The first is a crocheted Blooder, a creature to be found in my Archibald Lox books, and it was created by REBECCA, who noted that after 14 years of reading my books, this was the first time she'd felt compelled to make any fan art based on one of my characters. The bright red is actually a small pool of blood, and the darker red is the Blooder -- they can change their shape and are almost always in a state of flux.


    RAWAN made the incredible heart-shaped watch magnet in the second photo, plus the sticker that I'm also holding. It's an unsettlingly realistic piece -- needless to say, I love it!!!


    Finally, TAMARA sent me the gorgeous Des-Tiny key ring, which is the most perfect shade of purple imaginable. She actually runs her own small business, Kennet.Road.Krafts - https://www.facebook.com/Kennet.Road.Krafts - so if you're looking for a little piece of DesTiny for yourself, now you know who to reach out to...




    If you haven't yet read the September issue of my online monthly newsletter, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly All the latest Darren Shan news, plus details on how to enter an exciting new COMPETITION!




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