• Groovy ghoulish masks

    26 September 2020

    Like every citizen of sound mind and good conscience, I'm masking up whenever I'm out and about these days, to do my little bit to help slow down the spread of Covid-19 -- of course it won't protect me from catching it, but it will help stop me from spreading it should I have it and not be aware that I'm infectious. I'll be honest -- I don't enjoy wearing the masks, though having experimented a bit, I've found some are a lot more comfortable and convenient than others. But we're in this for the medium- to long-haul, and the masks are going to help massively over the months ahead, so I'm just putting up with it and grumbling away to myself softly every so often.


    Now, even though I don't like wearing masks, I believe that every cloud has a silver lining, so rather than just mope about in boring looking masks, I found these little horrors online, which have brightened things up considerably! They're not the greatest quality or most comfortable of fits, but they do certainly add a touch of ghoulish style when I'm looking to mix things up a bit!!


    I think you can get lots of these types of masks if you search online -- but I bought mine here: https://redvct.com/products?handler=halloween-fabric-face-cover





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