• HORRORific Cirque Du Freak review

    17 December 2021

    There was a lovely review for Cirque Du Freak on the HORROR section of the Vocal Media site a few months back, by a reviewer called Ethan Sealey. Ethan was especially touching in his obeservance of the relationship between Darren and Mr Crepsley, noting:


    "Mr. Crepsley is a character who practically oozes coolness... He can be stuffy and irritable at times, but he is a seasoned vampire, and is deadly in a fight as well! Throughout the series, we see the relationship between Mr. Crepsley evolve from a mentor/mentee relationship to one full of respect, and love. Darren begins to view Mr. Crepsley as a surrogate father. Most people will tell you they enjoyed growing up with the characters in the Harry Potter series, and that sentiment is not lost on me either. However, to me, growing up alongside Darren was a much bigger treat."


    If you'd like to read the full review, click here: https://vocal.media/horror/cirque-du-freak-review



    My SHANTA CLAUS short story is back on my site for its short annual appearance. Click on the following link before it disappears back into the ether for another year after Christmas Day: https://darrenshan.com/extras/feature/short-stories-shanta-claus-only-available-at-christmas-yuletide-favourite2

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