• How Twilight Killed Vampires

    21 September 2022

    There was an interesting article on ScreenRant a while back, entitled How Twilight Killed Vampire Movies (& How Streaming Saved Them). It's not an especially long read, and I'd highly recommend it for fans of bloodsuckers. You can check it out here: https://screenrant.com/twilight-vampire-movies-genre-destroy-netflix-revival-save/


    The Cirque Du Freak movie gets a mention, as one of the post-Twilight films that fared poorly at the box office. In my opinion, based on the reviews that I read at the time, this was certainly a factor in its failure on the big screen (though by no means the only one). As I've often said, I read somewhere between 120 and 140 reviews at the time, basically every review that I could find. A third were positive, a third were middling, and a third were negative.


    A telling thing about the negative reviews was that many of them name-checked Twilight, and were dismissive of the Cirque Du Freak film on the grounds that it was a cash-in -- even though it had been in in the works years before Twilight ever came out! Basically, quite a few reviewers -- and I assume quite a lot of films fans too -- automatically wrote off the Cirque Du Freak film (and other vampire movies at the time) on the incorrect grounds that it had only been green-lighted to cash in on the Twilight craze.


    Timing can be vital when it comes to the release of a film, and while I'm sure the makers of the Cirque Du Freak film thought that Twilight's success would be an unanticipated boon for them, in retrospect I think it did the freaky flick more harm than good. Hopefully, if the series ever gets rebooted, it won't come out in the middle of a Twilight reboot!!!! :-) :-) :-)


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