• Hungary Launch Party - last reminder!

    18 May 2023

    Just 24 hours until I take part in the Hungarian LAUNCH PARTY for Archibald Lox Volume 1. I'm SO looking forward to this!! I would have liked to fly over to be there in person, but unfortunately I'm away with my family this weekend, so it wasn't possible. But if Volume 2 gets the green light and my publishers throw another launch party... fingers crossed!!!


    I've attached some photos that the publisher shared with me, showing the book as it was coming together at the printing press... then finished copies... those in cardboard boxes are being shipped to those who placed orders online, while I imagine those in the back of the van are to be collected by or sold to fans who attend the launch party. How exciting!!!


    The event in Budapest is almost completely booked out, but you MIGHT still be able to snag a ticket if you act swiftly. Here's all the relevant info from the publisher.


    This is a FREE event, but seating is limited, so you need to REGISTER by clicking on this link: https://www.bookaholickiado.hu/konyvbemutato-regisztracio/

    Program Plan:

    18:15 - The greeting of the publisher

    18:25 - Podium meeting with translator and editor of Archibald Lox

    7:15 - 7:30 pm break

    7:30pm - LIVE ONLINE VIDEO CHAT WITH DARREN! We will translate the conversation into Hungarian, and audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to Darren, which will be answered by the author during live broadcast

    20:30 - Non-binding chat with the participants, closing the event

    At the event, you will be able to receive previously placed book orders or buy a signed copy! If you would like to receive your pre-order on site, please indicate in the registration form with your order number.





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