• Hungary launch party - register now

    08 May 2023

    My Hungarian publishers are having what's shaping up to be a fabulous launch party for Archibald Lox Volume 1. It's taking place on Friday 19th May, starting at 6pm, running for about 3 hours. I can't be there in person, unfortunately, but I'll be dialling in for a video call, which should last about an hour, during which I'll be talking about the book and answering as many questions as I can from those in attendance. I assume there will be a translator on hand to translate for those who can't speak English, though I'm waiting for that to be confirmed. I never had any launch parties when the Archibald Lox books first went on sale, so this is a global first!!! It promises to be a lot of fun, so I'm hoping to see YOU there!!!


    Here's the info from the publisher's Facebook page, along with a link to register if you wish to attend the event -- which is FREE!!!


    Come on in to :
    [��] you can ask all your questions DIRECTLY to DARREN [��]
    [✨] You can directly chat with the Bookaholic rental staff
    [��] learn EVERYTHING about the secrets of book publishing
    [����] [♀️] [��] [♂️] [����] [♂️] meet the other Shansters dedicated to you!
    [☀️] learn first hand behind the scenes secrets of Archibald Lox, not just an ordinary appearance in Hungary, from the idea to the shelf! [��] [��] [��]
    [����] [����] Are you in it? See you on 19 MAY, 18.00 h in @magnetkozossegihaz! [��] [��]
    FREE to attend the event, but REGISTRATION is required!
    Click here to register: https://www.bookaholickiado.hu/konyvbemutato-regisztracio/


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    No AvatarVex
    08, May, 2023
    What is the Timezone for the time in the post?

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