• It’s a French thing

    26 July 2019

    There was a lovely new French review for Cirque Du Freak last month on the Babelio site. My books never really took off in France -- the first editions were horribly translated, and they never really recovered from the mauling, even though they were more faithfully translated further down the line. In an alternate universe, where the timeline got shaken up, maybe a few reviews like this made all the difference and they're having a vampish parade down the Champs Elysees even as I type... :-)


    The review, mais oui, is in French, but if you're not au fait with our Gallic friends, you can copy the text and stick it into Google Translate or a similar engine for a fairly clear and comprehensive translation.




    Hmm... actually, having had a quick look at some of the comments, I don't think this IS a new review, but instead stems from when the new editions were first released. Oh well, I've typed this up now, so I'm not going to hit delete -- a good review is always welcome, whether it's fresh or second-hand! :-) :-) :-)


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