• July competition winners

    15 July 2020

    Just under 400 of you entered the July Shanville Monthly competition, meaning everyone had almost a 1 in 80 chance of winning -- much better odds than if you do the Lottery!! But in the end there could only be 5 winners, and the names that came out of the hat in the random online draw were, in the order drawn...


    Shaleiya Raya, USA.

    Summer Wright, USA.

    Denise Spencer, New Zealand.

    Sarah Carre, United Kingdom.

    Alfie McAlister, United Kingdom.


    I was able to supply four of the five winners with the T-shirt of their choice, which was nice -- I was worried that all five would choose the same one! Thanks to everyone who entered. Congratulations to the winners. And better luck next time to everybody else.


    Oh, and even though it's got nothing at all to do with the competition, I had my hair cut on Monday, the first time since well before lockdown started, so I thought I'd share a quick pic of the newly trimmed Darren Shan with you! My barber persuaded me to go for a bit of a longer style than usual (he wanted to do something different, given there was so much hair to work with), so it's certainly not cut tight to my skull -- but, equally certainly, at least I won't be mistaken for a sheep any longer!!!


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