• Koyasan remembered

    05 March 2021

    Since it was World Book Day yesterday, I thought I'd give a shout out to my World Book Day novella -- KOYASAN. I wrote it for World Book Day back in 2006, and it introduced a lot of new readers to my work. It's a ghost story, about a girl whose younger sister gets kidnapped by evil spirits, but it's not as horrific as most of my books, and is actually a rather sweet little concoction. It's been out of print for a long time, but you can buy it fairly cheaply as an eBook through Amazon stores worldwide -- just click on the following link to be directed to your local branch.




    I actually tried to turn this into a stage musical a few years ago. It was looking promising for a while -- we attracted the interest of a composer, who was keen to take things forward -- but we never quite managed to find the right writer for it, even though a couple came close to working on it. The project has slipped back under the radar for the time being, but it's still circling around inside my brain, and the chance ever comes along to resurrect it, I'll be on it like a shot!!



    The March issue of the Shanville Monthly went live a few days ago, with all the latest Darren Shan news and updates. You can check it out here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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