• Lucca the troll

    17 April 2024

    One of the perks I offered in my Terrified Troll fundraiser was a handwritten copy of the poem that inspired the picture book. A grandfather called Stewart, who came to see me regularly with his son Matthew when I used to do the Ediburgh Book Festival every year, bought one of the poems for his grandson LUCCA. He asked if I could possibly personalise it with a short message to Lucca, but I told him there wasn't really space on the page to do that. However, I suggested that I could rename the poem and tweak it slightly so that it was written from the point of view of a little troll's grandparents... ����


    There were ten copies of the poem up for grabs, and they all sold. I won't be doing any more, as it was a strictly limited edition, but there ARE other perks unofficially still up for grabs, even though the fundraiser ended back in January. If you fancy treating yourself (or a special Shanster in your life!) you can book...


    a one-to-one 40 minutes Zoom chat with me, for €150...


    meet with me for 2 hours either in Limerick (€200) or London (€275)...


    you could come on a Bec-inspired tour with me in Craggaunowen Park in Ireland for €250...


    or try and survive a 3 hour Zom-B tour with me in London for €275.


    If you're interested in any of the above, email me at [email protected] and I can talk you through the confirmation process.


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