• Memes 4x4

    30 September 2021

    This might be the most geometrically perfect post I've ever put together -- four memes, four panels per meme -- the OCD in me is well pleased!!! :-)


    The first (for a price...) is by Meggie-Elise. These images have been used in loads of memes, not just of my books, but people keep finding fresh ways to play with them, so they keep on coming!


    The second (that black and white pic is of Seba Nile, from the manga adaptation of Cirque Du Freak) is by Kammie, and this would have put a BIG smile on the faces of young Larten Crepsley and Wester Flack back in the day...


    The third (a timely reminder that Christmas is just around the corner!) is by Darren Memes, and this made me chuckle the hardest of the four.


    Finally, Kammie (again!) tackles that age-old head-scratcher -- just HOW was RV blooded when he didn't have any hands?!? :-) (This actually cropped up in a recent post, and as I said at the time, the blooding-through-fingertips is the preferred method among the creatures of the night, but is by no means the only way -- they can transfer their blood to newcomers through toes, legs, shoulders... just about any part of the body, really!)




    I'll be posting the October issue of my monthly newsletter tomorrow. If you want to catch the September issue before it gets archived, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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