• Moodboards and memes

    12 August 2022

    While quite a few fans over the last year or two have created memes based on my books, the undoubted meme-maker-in-chief has been a Tweeter who goes by the handle of Festival Of The Undead. "Festy" has created dozens of rib-tickling memes, and although I usually mix them in with memes made by others, every now and then I like to hand the mic across and let Festy hog the limelight by themself -- and today is one of those days!! ������


    The first two memes are moodboards, using photos to capture the essence of a pair of characters from my Vampire Mountain books. The black and white board will hopefully put you in mind of Mika Ver Leth (so brooding!!), while the colour snaps are dedicated to the memory of Kurda Smahlt (so tragic!!!).


    The song choice in the third is a little ditty that I composed for a young vampire prince many moons ago -- while it made me chuckle at the time, I never expected it to prove as popular as it's become -- I've even occasionally had smirking fans croon it to me if they spot me in a pub or club on a rare night out!!!




    The final meme uses a well-seen image, popular with meme-makers all across the internet. In this instance it's being used to refer to what is for many the most notorious chapter I've ever written, which appears in book 9 of my Cirque Du Freak series, Killers Of The Dawn.


    No -- I'm not talking about the chapter in which Mr Crepsley dies.


    I'm talking about the chapter that immediately follows that one, where it seems that he's been rescued.


    I still get quizzed about that chapter by grieving fans. Did I write it merely to mock them and rub salt into their wounds, extending the hand of hope, only to then cruelly whip it away and cock a snoop at them?!? NO!!! Absolutely not!! I knew, without that chapter, that fans would expect Mr Crepsley to be resurrected. This was a fantasy series. Major characters who "die" in fantasy series always get brought back to life, right, like Gandalf in Lord Of The Rings??? Except in this case, he wouldn't, and I wanted to make that clear to readers. I didn't want them finishing the book and grinning to themselves, "Nah, he's not REALLY dead!! He'll be back!!" I wanted them to realised that this truly WAS the end for Mr C, and that chapter was my way of driving home the fact that there would be no miraculous comebacks -- the vamp in red really HAD left the building...





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