• October photos

    23 January 2022

    Back in the October half-term, the Shans flew to London for the first time (as a family) since before the start of COVID. We all had a great holiday, and here are some more photos from it.


    Our first stop was the wilds of Norfolk, to visit a nun! Mrs Shan's aunt Mary has lived in an enclosed order since she was a young woman, and we used to pop up to see her regularly before the lockdowns started. It was lovely to be able to visit again -- she hadn't seen Gaia since she was just a couple of months old.


    We spent the rest of the holiday with Babcia, Mrs Shan's mother, who lives in the suburbs of London. On one of the days we went to Hobbledown Farm, which I highly recommend -- the kids had a whale of a time. There were all sorts of cool things to do -- Gaia especially loved bouncing on their weird, huge trampolines, and Dante took off like a monkey through their climbing frames. I'm sure we'll be back again on our next trip!


    On another day we went to Kew Gardens. We had a really cool time there too (except for the long queue to get in!) and I'll be sharing a few more photos of that visit in future posts -- in today's snap, Dante and Mrs Shan are standing outside one of the gardens' massive greenhouses -- Dante doesn't seem too impressed by my skills behind the camera!!!




    The Darren Shan monthly newsletter can be read online here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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