• Octocon reading - YOUR choice!

    29 September 2021

    This coming Sunday, October 3rd, at 2pm Irish time, I'm going to be doing my ONLY live online event of 2021, as part of Octocon 2021. It's a FREE solo event, open to people everywhere in the world. I'll start with a short reading, then answer questions from the moderator and the online audience. The event will take place in a private Zoom meeting, which will be streamed out to Twitch -- audience members will be able to submit questions through the convention's Twitch channel during the event.


    I was thinking last night about which extract I was going to read, trying to choose between the scene in Cirque Du Freak where the wolf man bites off a woman's hand... chapter 2 of Lord Loss, where Grubbs Grady first faces the demon master... the prologue of Zom-B, where a young boy called Brian Barry wakes to find his village overrun with zombies... or the first chapter of Archibald Lox and the Bridge Between Worlds, where Archie spots a girl opening a door between universes, and finds that he too has the power to cross worlds...


    Then I decided, why not let YOU GUYS make the call?!? So, I'm running a poll on Twitter, offering Tweeters the opportunity to vote. Those who follow me on Facebook will be able to cast their vote in the Comments section, by naming their preference. I'll add up the votes across the two platforms tomorrow, and read out the winning scene on Sunday. Don't you just LOVE democracy in action?!? :-)


    If you want to find out which scene won, and to watch the rest of my event live, you MUST REGISTER on the Octocon site -- registration is FREE, but you HAVE to register to take part.


    This is the link for the Octocon site: https://2021.octocon.com/


    This is the link for the registration page: https://registration.octocon.com/


    This is the link for the Twitch page: https://www.twitch.tv/octoconirl


    And this is the link to their preview page for my event: https://2021.octocon.com/2021/09/06/preview-darren-shan-ringmaster-of-the-macabre/


    Oh, and if you want to catch up on all the latest Darren Shan news ahead of the event (so you don't ask anything emabarrassing, like, "Why has it been so long since you released any new books?" only to be told I've actually released six new books over the last two years!), click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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