• Old Guardian cliffhangers article

    05 April 2022

    I've written a LOT of articles over the years which have seen print in various places -- newspapers, magazine, web sites, etc. Every so often a link to one of them will pop up on one of my timelines for whatever reason, and it's always nice to cast an eye over words that I'd set down years (even decades!) ago, as I normally have no recollection whatsoever of writing them!


    One such link popped up for me recently, and I've decided to share it here, as it's quite a nice piece (even if I do say so myself!) about my love for cliffhangers, and how I was planning to make my Zom-B series my most cliffhanger-packed series yet. It appeared in The Guardian, and you can check it out (or check it out AGAIN, if you caught it first time round!) by clicking here: https://www.theguardian.com/childrens-books-site/2015/oct/28/darren-shan-the-joy-of-a-great-cliffhanger


    I eased up on the cliffhangers in my latest series, Archibald Lox, since I'd gone all-out with them on Zom-B, but it DOES contain some very cool twists and turns -- they just tend to be more subtly presented than in my other series. Although, having said that, books 7 and 8 (which will see print at some point this summer) DO end on huge, old-style cliffhangers, the kind that are a match for pretty much any of my Zom-B books, or even Blood Beast in my Demonata series, which is probably my all-time favourite cliffhanger ending from any of my books!


    If you're interested in finding out more about Archibald Lox, and maybe catching up with the first two Volumes of the story before the third and final volume comes out, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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