• On top Down Under!

    22 December 2020

    Well, THIS was a nice surprise!!


    I was checking my sales figures for the Archibald Lox books this morning, and noted there had been an unexpected extra thousand or so downloads of the FREE eBook of Archibald Lox and the Bridge Between Worlds, book 1 in the series, over the last couple of days. Curious, I looked into it, and found out that most of the purchases had been in Australia, where I'd got to #6 on the overall Free Kindle Books chart, and #1 on several others, including the Free Fantasy And Sci-Fi chart. Sweet!!!


    As far as I can determine, the bounce in sales seems to link back to a post on a site called OzBargain - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/592579 - which was posted by a fan of my books who saw that the book was free. If correct, that just shows how powerful word of mouth can be. Many thanks, "winnytp" -- you've made my day -- good on ya, mate!!! :-) :-) :-)


    I've released three Archibald Lox books so far (six more to come), available individually or as a single collected Volume called The Missing Princess. The first Archie eBook is FREE to download everywhere in the world, not just through Amazon stores, but loads of others -- Google Play, Apple, Kobo, etc. etc.


    There are physical copies too -- you can either buy paperbacks of the three books, or a hardback or paperback of the collected Volume. I'd recommend the Volume over the three separate books, as it's quite a bit cheaper, and presents the story the way I originally meant for it to be read, as one huge tale. The physical editions are on sale through lots of stores, but the best prices seem to be through Book Depository or Amazon. For more info, and direct buying links, see the December issue of my monthly newsletter: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly




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