• One Missing Princess—found!

    19 October 2020

    I had a very busy weekend uploading Archibald Lox Volume 1: The Missing Princess to the various sites where it will soon be on sale, in various formats. Paperback editions (as well as a hardback edition) are to come within the next week or so, as long as everything looks OK when I check the proof copies that I have ordered. I'll be providing links for those as and when they go live.


    But as well as a paperback edition, I've also produced an eBook edition of the bind-up, for anyone who might prefer to read it as a single big book, rather than three shorter books. There's absolutely NO reason to buy this if you have already read the three eBooks that I released earlier this year, but if you haven't yet started on your adventures with Archibald Lox, I would recommend buying the Volume collection -- it's the same price as buying the three individual books, but this was the way I originally wrote the story and intended for it to be read, as one huge behemoth of a tale that you could sink into and slowly wend your way through.


    The eBook of The Missing Princess will soon be on sale (within the next day or two, I would imagine) through all the usual channels -- Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, etc -- but it has already uploaded to AMAZON, so if you want to buy it for Kindle, just pop along to your local Amazon store and it should be there waiting for you. I'm including direct links for the American and British stores below. It costs £3.99 in the UK, €4.49 in European countries, $4.99 in the USA, and the local equivalent of the American price in all other countries.


    I love the new cover -- I hope you guys do too!!


    Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LCC2SW8/


    Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08LCC2SW8/


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