• Paul Weitz interview

    10 November 2022

    There was a major interview on SYFY WIRE recently, with Paul Weitz, the writer/director of the Cirque Du Freak movie. You can read the full interview here: https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/cirque-du-freak-vampires-assistant-paul-weitz-director-interview


    This is the first time, to the best of my knowledge, that he has talked in depth about the movie, and it's fascinating to get his thoughts on it at this remove from the project (which hit cinemas 13 years ago). He talks about how his love of pre-World War II German Expressionist art influenced the look of the movie, and the themes that drew him to the story in the first place.


    I love that he gives special mention to John C Reilly, who played Mr Crepsley, and talks about how much work he put into bringing the character to life. I've often noted over the years that John read all the books, and was a real champion for them when the movie was being made, and it's nice to have that seconded.


    I was also surprised and gratified to see him talk about his desire to see someone else reboot the series. He says, "I wish someone else would make a totally different series... There is a different, and no doubt, extremely cool version of this movie that could have been made, which was much darker. But at the time, that was not what people were going for. I'd be interested to see that if someone was to make that."


    I wish that too!!! :-) I've always said that I enjoy the Cirque Du Freak film on its own terms, but there's no doubt it was a very loose adaptation that veered away from the darker elements of the books. Hopefully, if it ever does get remade, they'll stick more closely to the story and mood of the novels, and it might fare better with a wider audience.


    Anyway, whatever your view on the movie, this is a fabulous and fascinating interview, and I can't recommend it highly enough.


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