• REAL royalty!!

    07 May 2023

    So, I heard there was a bit of a coronation in London yesterday? Not being overly interested in human royalty (rich people's ancestors decided it wasn't enough to be wealthier than everybody else, so they invented the concept of "royalty" to make it seem as if they were naturally superior as well, and were to enjoy the attached benefits for time immemorial -- I understand what THEY get out of the situation, and why they're keen for the "traditions" to continue, but I'll never understand why the so-called "normal" people put up with such nonsense and willingly accept the servitude that it involves!!) I gave it a wide berth and found better things to do with my time, and spent the day enjoying the company of my wife and children.


    Of course it's a different matter entirely in Vampire Mountain, where the royals are democratically elected, and can't pass on their status and power to their heirs when they die -- not least because, being sterile creatures of the night, they can't produce any heirs!!! :-) :-) :-) THOSE are the kind of royals I can respect! (Though I'd still rather spend the day with my wife and kids rather than trek to Vampire Mountain to watch one of them being initiated!)


    So, for those of you like me who ignored all that guff in London yesterday and are maybe feeling a bit left-out, here are some fan drawings of REAL royals, vampire-style!!


    First we have Sire Arrow, drawn by EMILY. You can just see him thinking to himself, "The first idiot who tries to put a crown on me is getting beheaded!!!)


    Next up is Sire Mika, drawn by LIV. "What do you mean, I'm the vainest of the Vampire Princes?!? I object to that most strenuously, and will give you a damn good thrashing for even suggesting it... once I'm done checking my hair in my vanity mirror..."


    Next we have Sire Paris, in the company of his good friend Seba Nile, drawn by KAZ. You can check out more of Kaz's work on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scruffkunst Paris to Seba: "We might be old, but we're gold, eh, old friend?" Seba to Paris, holding a hand to his ear: "What was that?" Paris, a bit louder: "I said..."


    Finally we have Vancha March, drawn by STEPH. "MIka thinks HE's the vainest Prince?!? I beg to differ! Just look at what THIS gorgeous green-haired hunk has to be vain about!!!"


    Bah humbug to kingmakers!! Three cheers for talented Shansters!!! :-) :-) :-)





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