• Return to Center Parcs

    25 October 2020

    The Shan clan decamped to Center Parcs in Longford, Ireland, for a weekend break back in September, before it was forced back into lockdown due to a resurgence of Covid-19. We spent a lovely, busy few days there. The weather was variable -- as you can tell by the clouds in that sky! -- but we still managed to do plenty of activities outside, and had a couple of fun sessions in their fabulous swimming pool.


    You can see the dome of the pool in the first photo, taken when I was out boating with my son Dante. It's a stunning piece of architecture, a fitting home for the pool and wet-play areas and slides that it houses.



    There's a little man-made beach at one end of the boating lake, and Gaia loves nothing more than sand at the moment, so we had to go there every day, whether it was sunny or raining. The second picture was taken during one of the sunny spells. Looking at the kids, this could almost be a summer's day photo, as they stroll along with their bucket and spade and trouser legs rolled up. But then you spy my rain jacket and start to realise it's not as warm as the young ones would have you believe...



    In the third photo, I'm playing tennis with Dante, with my daughter Gaia cradled in my arms. They should introduce this at Wimbledon -- much more fun than normal doubles play!!!



    The final snap was taken on our last day there. After a hectic few days in which we barely paused to draw breath, Gaia fell asleep on my shoulders as I was giving her a piggy-back ride to our car! I didn't realise until I slid her down, and then I carried her the rest of the way. That's the only time she's ever fallen asleep that way, which is the biggest mark of approval I think I can give the place!



    This was our second trip to the Irish Center Parcs since it opened, and we've already booked for our third early next year -- Coronavirus permitting...




    The first Volume of my new Archibald Lox series is now on sale in paperback format through Amazon stores worldwide. For more info and some direct buying links, click here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/article/archibald-lox-paperbacks1

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