• Reviews That Burn

    21 November 2022

    Books That Burn is a podcast about books (mais oui!) which also posts reviews in a section of their site helpfully entitled REVIEWS THAT BURN. It's a really good site, averaging between 15 and 20 book reviews every month.


    They've been reviewing my Saga Of Darren Shan / Cirque Du Freak series since the spring of this year -- 9 down, 3 to go!! Here are direct links to their spoiler-free reviews of the first 3 books.


    Book 1: https://reviews.booksthatburn.com/2022/02/shan-nightmare.html

    Book 2: https://reviews.booksthatburn.com/2022/03/shan-assistant.html

    Book 3: https://reviews.booksthatburn.com/2022/03/shan-blood.html


    Oh, and although I've mentioned this before, it's worth stating again, for the record -- you might notice that the reviewer refers to Book 1 as being called "A Living Nightmare." In the USA my publishers decided (against my wishes at the time, though in retrospect I feel that they were probably right to do so) to call the series the Cirque Du Freak series. To avoid confusion among readers, they further decided to give the first book another title, and used the tagline which we'd used for it in the UK -- "a living nightmare."


    While I'm absolutely fine with people calling the series the Cirque Du Freak series -- indeed, I sometimes refer to it as that myself -- the correct and ONLY acceptable title for book 1, in my opinion, is, always has been, and always will be... Cirque Du Freak.


    The Great And Powerful Shan has spoken!!!!! :-) :-) :-)




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