• Rowan IS Mr Crepsley… and sidekick!

    26 October 2020

    It's the start of Halloween week -- hurrah!! I'm going to be running posts every day that tie in with the Samhain festivities -- but then again, I do that most days and most weeks of the year, so it will be pretty much business as normal!! :-)


    One thing that IS different this week is that I've decided to do a short Halloween VIDEO to release on the 31st. I'm going to answer a variety of questions submitted by fans, and maybe do a short reading or two. If YOU want to ask me a question, simply do so in the comments box in reply to this post (or any of the other posts over the course of the week) or use the Contact Form on www.darrenshan.com I'll gather together a selection of my favourite questions and answer them as best I can in the video.


    Let's kick off the run-up to Halloween with some more Darren Shan cosplay. This time it's a Shanster called Rowan who decided to dress up, as everyone's favourite vampire-with-a-thing-for-red, Mr Crepsley! And Rowan wasn't alone, as you can see from the second and third photos...


    I know there won't be any trick-or-treating, or Halloween partying, in most parts of the world this year because of the Covid restrictions, but hey, that doesn't mean you can't dress up as your favourite, freakiest character in the safety of your own home, right?!? And while you might not be able to show off to your friends, if you share some photos with me, I might post them here, in which case you'll be reaching an audience of thousands... :-)





    The Archibald Lox paperbacks went on sale a few days ago. To find out more about them, and where they can be bought, click here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/article/archibald-lox-paperbacks1

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  • Comments

    No AvatarGage
    27, Oct, 2020
    Hey Darren! If you had the time for an mmorpg which one would you indulge in :)

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