• Santa’s having a laugh, isn’t he?!?

    21 December 2020

    A couple of weekends ago I posted about going to a Christmas Drive-thru in Limerick that was one of the most shambolic events I've ever experienced. It really was a dreadful misfire, so much so that it only ran for one day (instead of three weeks) and the organisers ended up refunding everybody who went on its one operative day. In retrospect I'm tickled pink to have got to it, as this is one of those once-in-a-lifetime calamities that people will be talking about for years to come! But the Shans were none too impressed on the day itself, when it looked like thousands of more families would have to endure what we had endured, which led to my angry outpouring on Facebook. Oh well, all's well that ends well, though I do feel sorry for the local kids who had been due to work throughout its run and earn a bit of Christmas cash. (And they WERE all teenagers, even Santa, which was one of the things that went down like a lead balloon with the little ones, who might be young but ain't that dumb!)


    Anyway, here are a few photos from the "great day." The first couple were taken inside our car, while we were lined up to get in -- yes, Gaia must have had an inkling of what was to come, since she started screaming even before got to "Gazaeblo land!!" The other two capture two of the "magical" settings -- Mrs Claus's home or workshop, and Santa's grotto. As you can see, no expense was... spent!!! :-) :-) :-)






    SHANTA is back!! Bridging all the different worlds in the Shan Universe, this Christmas story is the only place you'll ever find Lord Loss rubbing shoulders with Mr Tiny and Archibald Lox! It will disappear for another year not long after Christmas Day, so click on this link ASAP before you miss it! https://www.darrenshan.com/extras

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