• Schoolwork

    23 March 2020

    A couple of teachers got in touch with me over the weekend on Twitter to enquire about the possibility of filming themselves reading Cirque Du Freak, so that they could share it with their students. They had been reading the book in class, but schools have now been suspended, so they were hoping to carry on with it online, so that they could keep their students engaged.


    I normally have to play Big Mr Meanie whenever anyone asks me about something like this, because there were audio books produced of these by my publishers, so they control those rights, and can get a bit angry when those rights are infringed. But these are highly unusual times, and I think the rule books need to be thrown out the window. So...


    Yes. If any teachers are reading this, and you've been using any of my books in class, or were planning on using them over the next couple of terms... If you're forging ahead with virtual teaching, then feel free to record yourself reading the book, and feel free to share those recordings with your students. Or if you're reading them live to your students via Skype or Facetime or whatever... that's fine too. Basically, all normal bets are off for the duration of the shutdown. You have my permission to do whatever you have to with my books if they help you get through it.


    Stay safe, everybody.

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