• Shan snaps from May and June

    04 September 2022

    Time for some more Shan Sunday snaps! The first two date back to May, while the last two were taken when we went on holiday to Lanzarote in June. (There are going to be LOTS more photos from that trip over the next few weeks!!)


    Dante has been going to the Desmond School of Performing Arts for a few years now, where he learns to sing, dance and act. It's all very casual and fun. They normally do a live show or two each year for parents and other family members. They had to be put on the back burner during the COVID lockdowns, but they were finally able to host one again in May, and here's a snap of Dante in action on the stage. I was very proud of him, as getting up in front of a big crowd doesn't come naturally to him -- he's not a shameless old ham like his old man!!!!


    The second was taken on a sunny Sunday in May, when the Shans were goofing around for the camera -- something that happens quite a lot in our household! I have to admit, I absolutely HATE serious photos, where you have to pose and smile stiffly or look thoughtful for the camera. But I love fooling around and having fun in front of a lens. I guess it's one of the reasons why I strangle so many of my fans at my events -- they get a far more natural look from me than if I was just sitting there, smiling stiffly...


    As I said, in June we went on holiday to Lanzarote. We booked the trip in 2019, when Gaia was still a baby. When the lockdowns sturck, we pushed it back a year to 2021, and then again to 2022. She was a much bigger child (as was Dante) by the time we finally got there -- and my Mum and Dad joined us for the holiday as well, which was a lovely bonus.


    In pic 3, a tired Gaia snuggles up to Grandad during one of the live nightly shows that the hotel put on. In the fourth, I cuddle Dante in a swimming pool. This one was taken by one of the official hotel photographers, which is why my smile looks so strained, and why Dante's not pulling a crazy face. See -- wouldn't it have been a much better photo if I'd strangled him and he'd been thrashing around as if struggling to stay above water?!? ������


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