• Shannish Bookshelves

    03 December 2021

    People always seem to enjoy it when I post photos of bookshelves that fans have shared with me, so here's another four to admire/envy/frown at/roll your eyes at/shake your head at/nod your head at/be inspired by/weep piteously over*. (*delete as appropriate)


    The first belong to a fan known as Mute, who found the perfect battastic bookends to hold their Darren Shan collection in place!


    The second shelf belongs to Giana, who uses my books as nests for some of her smaller figurines. When you look up the word "symbiosis" in a dictionary, THIS is the picture that should accompany its description! :-)


    The third pic was shared by a fan called Melissa. You can see that she's added the four Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus editions to her existing Darren Shan collection, but those are BIG babies and she's almost out of space -- when Volumes 5 and 6 are released next year, I think she's going to have to do a bit of reorganising!!!


    The final shelf is marked property of Gems, and two things immediately struck the OCD in me and had me inwardly howling in horror! The first might be easily explained away -- I spy Volume 2 of my new Archibald Lox series, but no sign of Volume 1, but I imagine Gems was probably reading it at the time that this photo was taken, or had perhaps even loaned it to a family member or friend. BUT!!!! Have you seen the UPSIDE DOWN book?!? NoooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)


    By the way -- if you weren't aware that there WAS a Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus, or that I was up to book 6 (Volume 2) of a new series, then you need to check out the December issue of my monthly online newsletter, where you can read all about them, and find out where you can order them if you want to get them as presents for the special Shanster in your life (or for yourself!!) this Christmas. Click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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