• Shantastic collections

    05 August 2022

    I'm only too well aware that I can be difficult author to keep up with -- the problem with releasing as many books as I have is that it's tricky for fans to keep in the loop and know when new books have been released, to find time to read them all, and find the money to afford them all!!! :-)


    But some of you (and may the gods of the vampires bless each and every one of you!) go above and beyond the call of duty, and do your best to keep apace of the crazy publishing machine that is... Darren Shan!! And here are some photos shared with me recently by hardcore Shansters.


    The first photo was sent to me by MELISSA, who has met me on tour a few times over the years. She spliced together a couple of photos, one with the signed books opened, the other with her collection all spines-out.


    The second photo was sent by MATTHEW, and although it's a bit blurry (I blame the vampire atoms in my stories!!) you can see that Matthew has "one or two" of my signed books as well, stretching all the way to the horizon...


    The third and fourth photos were shared by PETER. I've met Peter many times over the years, and his collection is legendary among long-time Shanster -- while it's always possible that there's a secret Shanster out there who I don't know about, as far as I'm aware Peter's collection is second only to my own, as he's scoured bookshops and the web over the years to track down proof copies, limited editions, and other hard-to-source items of mine. And he rather humbly mentioned, when posting these two pics, that they're OLD pics, and the collection has grown even larger since he took them!!!!




    If you're looking to match collections with Melissa, Matthew and Peter, and want to find out about my latest release (it went on sale just last week!) so that you can add it to your pile, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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