• Shantastic libraries!

    28 October 2022

    Libraries are brilliant, aren't they?!? Especially when they stock a few Darren Shan books!!!! ���� Here are a few photos that have been shared with me recently(ish!) by proud librarians -- perfect timing for those of you who might be looking to take out a nice, scary horror book for the Halloween season...


    The first photo was taken last year (yes, for LAST Halloween!! That's why I said recently(ISH) above!!!) in South Garner High School, in North Carolina in the USA, where my books featured strongly in their library's Titan Learning Commons Halloween display. Go, Titans!!!!


    The second was taken by Mr Lucas in the Glenthorne High School LRC, in Sutton in England. Looks like they have a year-round horror section -- cool!! I love how well-thumbed my books look here, evidence that they're much loved and widely read... well, unless Mr Lucas is the only one who loves them, and keeps re-reading them over and over!!


    The final photo was taken in Tajimi City Library in Japan. It made me chuckle to see that their Halloween display featured mostly picture books for younger kids, with my freaky set sneaking in on the top left, for the older, taller kids!!! ������




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  • Comments

    No AvatarHinaki
    29, Oct, 2022
    I'm translating, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.

    It's almost Halloween!
    When it comes to Halloween season, I think of Mr. Shan's work more than Halloween.
    The first is definitely a vampire.
    In the novel, Darren was laughed at by Crepsley because he thought vampires had fangs and could transform into bats.
    However, I think that we, who are fans of Mr. Shan, also had a fixed idea that vampires are such creatures.
    At the same time, we may not think so now because we are your fans.

    And I am very happy that there is a Japanese library in the picture.
    If you have the chance, please come to Japan!
    I would love to meet you at that time, but my wish may not come true.

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