• Shrines of Shan!

    21 January 2022

    I think every true bookworm loves casting an eye over photos of other people's bookshelves -- it's intriguing to see how others arrange their books and decorate their shelves.


    And I think, if you're a true Darren Shan bookworm, that the only thing more intriguing than photos of other people's bookshelves... are photos of other people's bookshelves that are dedicated to Darren Shan books!!!! :-) :-) :-)


    Usually my books are sharing space with books by other writers, and that's not only absolutely fine -- I actually love seeing what they're surrounded by. But these four Shansters took photos of my works in isolation, and it's quite nice to see them displayed this way too -- four SHRINES OF SHAN, as it were!!!


    In the order that they were shared with me (oldest first), the bookshelves belong to Darren (cool name!), Giana (cool manga collection!), Maisie (cool map!), and Emily (cool box sets!).


    All my major series (with the exception of Archibald Lox, which isn't complete yet) are represented here -- The Saga Of Darren Shan/Cirque Du Freak... The Demonata... The Saga Of Larten Crepsley... the Cirque Du Freak manga... Zom-B. I've been a busy little boy, haven't I?!? :-)


    As you can see, Giana has all twelve books of the original Cirque Du Freak manga series. They've been out of print for a LONG time, and some of the books go for crazy money these days. BUT as you can also see, Maisie has the first Volume of the Cirque Du Freak manga OMNIBUS series -- my publishers started to release those last year. They collect two of the books in each Volume, and are larger than the original editions, meaning you get to enjoy the artwork even more than you could the first time round. And you won't have to break the bank to buy them either! Four of the Volumes have already been released, and Volume 5 will be going on sale next month. To find out more, including some places online where you can buy them, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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