• Signed books from ages past

    22 September 2022

    More fans have been sharing their photos of books that I've signed for them in the past, so here, in alphabetical order, are...

    JADE, who won a competition to have a meet-and-greet with me in 2012, which explains the message in silver on the black page! (I assume the book is Brothers To The Death, the fourth book in my Mr Crepsley series.)

    KARINA, way back in 2006, who asked for a message in my short book, Koyasan. I always love signing this book, as it's one that I have a real soft spot for, but there's not much space in it for a message, so they're normally on the short side like this one!

    MEG, who, like Jade, got messages in three books. (I usually only do one message per fan, but if there's time, I occasionally bend my rule and do more.) It's a bit hard to make out the date, but I think these are from 2004, which is when the last book in my Cirque Du Freak series went on sale in the UK.

    Finally, I wrote a 14th birthday message for ZOE, back in 2013. She's 23 now, and still a fan, which was absolutely lovely to see. We Shansters might all be growing older with the inevitable march of time, but at least we're all growing older together!





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