• Signing and numbering prints

    12 December 2023

    Eva Byrne and I met up this morning to sign and number the PRINTS that have been produced to date for our Terrified Troll campaign. These look absolutely amazing in the flesh -- we were both thrilled with how they turned out!


    While we originally set the print runs quite high (50 for the A4 prints, and 25 for the A3 prints) we have decided to make this MUCH smaller -- now, despite what it says on the Indiegogo page, there will be a maximum of EIGHT copies of any given print. So, if you buy a copy, you will be buying one from an edition of eight, making it WAY more collectible and rare than it otherwise would have been!!


    Also, we've REDUCED THE PRICES of two of the A3 prints, from €75 to €55 -- they're a genuine BARGAIN at that price, as Eva's smaller A4 prints normally sell in that kind of ballpark!


    While all three prints look equally fabulous to me, Eva is especially fond of the cast print. She deliberately used a limited colour palette, trying to mimic the look of old EC comics -- you can see what I mean in the close-up of the Bride Of Frankenstein's head. And as cool as they might look on the screen, they look WAY cooler in the flesh -- trust me, if this book ever gets picked up by a traditional publisher and does well, these early prints are going to be MASSIVELY sought after in years to come!!!


    If you're interested in buying a print (or any of the other perks on offer) click here to visit our fundraising page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-bring-our-troll-to-life/x/35435619#/faq





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