• Six days in—busy! busy!!

    05 October 2010

    Day 6 of the tour is down, and it was the busiest day yet!! On Monday I did a great schools event in Perth -- over 300 kids, a top-notch venue, and a first-rate sound system. I got my best reaction yet in my Lord Loss scene -- it's the chapter where Grubbs first meets Lord Loss. There's one part of it where he screams, "Dad!!" I usually get a vivid response, because I roar the word at the top of my voice -- fans often jump in their seats and yelp with surprise!! But with the great sound system in Perth, it was even louder than usual, and I think every single person there leapt about a foot into the air!! And because the seats were tiered, I saw it happening like a wave spreading back through the theatre. Tremendous fun!!!! I signed for an hour afterwards, then went to a castle to have a very nice lunch with my publicist Sam. We then returned to Perth and I did a signing in Waterstones for an hour and 20 minutes, before driving on to Irvine to get an early night.

    Today was manic from start to finish. I did another fab schools event, again for over 300 kids, but more bought copies of my books than usual -- I was signing for 1 hour 40 minutes, and that was going at top speed!!! From there we sped across to the Rock Radio studios, where I pre-recorded a show that is due to air at Halloween -- I'll provide a link closer to the time, once it's confirmed. I had a lot of fun recording it, chatting about my books, music, and a guy in Australia with a very unusual festival fetish!!! After that I gave an interview to a journalist for The Big Issue. Then I signed for 2 hours 20 minutes in Waterstones in East Kilbride. And then I faced a 2 hours 20 minutes drive to Cockermouth -- I grabbed a sandwich, a packet of crisps and a bar of chocolate en route, and that was my dinner for the day!!! A busy, crazy whirlwind of a day -- but that's the way I love it best!!! I had a short but very sweet time in Scotland. Now let's see how England shapes up over the last 5 days...

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