• Smashwords sale

    06 March 2023

    If you buy your eBooks through SMASHWORDS -- or are open to the idea of buying through the site -- you might be interested in their Read An Ebook Week promo. They've invited lots of their authors to discount prices of their eBooks for a week, and I'm one of the authors who is taking part.




    During the sale, which end on March 11th, you can buy ANY of my Archibald Lox books for HALF PRICE. The 50% sale price is valid on the three omnibus editions as well as on the nine individual books.


    The cheapest way to buy the series would be to get the three omnibus editions -- total price for all three is a very tempting $5.97. Although, having said that, if you don't mind mix-and-matching... the first two books are FREE in the sale, and the third is just $0.99, so you could buy those, then the Volume 2 and 3 omnibus editions, and get the entire series for LESS THAN $5!!!!


    Oh, and if you already own the books (or have no interest in them) but would like to buy them for someone else. you can GIFT them through Smashwords -- info for that can be found here: https://www.smashwords.com/about/gifts


    If you want to see what other books are on sale through the Smashwords promo, you can find the full list here: https://www.smashwords.com/shelves/promos


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