• Spanish review and covers

    24 March 2021

    I hadn't meant to turn this week's blog posts into some kind of an International Reviews Week theme, but that's the way it's worked out, so what the hell, let's go with it for at least one more day!


    A YouTuber with the user name of Shelos1Life has been posting reviews of the Cirque Du Freak manga over the last few months, taking it several chapters at a time. He posted his latest, for chapters 60 to 65, in the middle of March. The review is in Spanish, which means unfortunately I haven't really been able to make much sense of it. This one is a lot shorter than his other reviews -- less than 3 minutes -- and he comes across as quite tired and grumpy, so I've no idea whether he's enjoying the manga or not! If YOUR Spanish is better than mine, I'd love to know the gist of what he's saying!!! :-)




    While my books didn't sell brilliantly in Germany and Italy, they did alright for a while, but in Spain they never took off at all. A Spanish publisher translated Cirque Du Freak (book 1) years ago, but it never got anywhere. When the movie came out in 2009, they tried again, issuing bind-ups of the trilogies, with covers that tied in with the look of the movie poster -- but although they got further this time, to book 9 (i.e. they published three of the four trilogies), they stopped there, much to the dismay of my Spanish fans in South America, where the books have a small cult following.


    Oh well, if you'd like to check out those Spanish covers -- and the covers for the second and third bind-ups are certainly interesting -- click here: https://darrenshan.com/covers/country/spain


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