• St Patrick’s Day audio question

    17 March 2022

    Happy St Patrick's Day from all the Shan gang in Ireland!!! Mrs Shan and I took the kids to the Aquadome in Tralee this morning, which is why today's post is so late. It only re-opened on Tuesday, after being shut for more than two years because of COVID, and it was Gaia's first time there. We all loved it and had a brilliant time. Highly recommended.


    Anyway -- back to business! I get asked about Demonata audio books quite often, and here's the latest enquiry which was posted on the Darren Shan Discussions fan page on Facebook a couple of weeks back, bu a fan called Valentina:


    "I have a question -- do you know if the Demonata series (my favorite of all time) will ever became an audio series, I don't know, on audible, or else? I'm actually listening now to the series of Darren Shan and, OMG, it makes so much difference! I can tell that also the interpreter is amazing [��] so it helps a lot. Anyway, I wish I could listen to Demonata too. I know that there were like, the first 3 books on CD, but I'm Italian, living in Netherlands, and nor in Italy or Netherlands I'm able to find any of them. Lately, anyway, I've noticed that Demonata is always mistreated, compared to Zom-B or Darren Shan, etc... It's a pity because in my opinion is a great series."


    The short, sad answer is that no, there are no plans to release any more audio books of The Demonata, or to make them available on Audible. :-(


    The first 6 books were released many years ago, in the UK, but this was in the time before streaming sites like Audible (they were only released as CDs), and they didn't sell very well. My publishers chose not to complete the series, and my American publishers never expressed any interest in adapting them either. Personally I think they could do really well in today's Audible world, but I've never been able to get my publishers interested, so, for the time being, it ain't gonna happen. Maybe Lord Loss is holding things up, so that he can relish our "sweet sorrow" while we wait in vain and weep...


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