• Stones, glorious stones…

    12 April 2020

    When my son Dante was a nipper, he loved chewing on stones. And guess what -- his sister Gaia is just the same! She's always trying to stuff them in her mouth, from gravel to huge rocks. What the hell is it with these Shan kids?!? Where on earth do they get all that weirdness from?!? Can't be from ME, because I'm as normal as they come -- I'm blaming their mother!!! :-)



    There's a character called Dante in my new Archibald Lox series. He appears in Volume One, but isn't named until Volume Two. If you read the first Volume before the second sees the light of day (hopefully next year) see if you can figure out which of the unnamed characters he will be...



    I suppose I'll have to put Gaia in there too, or I'll be accused of having a favourite! Must make sure I remember that when I start editing Volume Two in the near future, and rename one of the characters from the first draft. But will I make her a hero or a villain...


    And more importantly, will either of the characters named after my young 'uns have a hungering for stones?!? :-)



    If you're interested in checking out the first Archie book, you can download it for FREE -- books 2 and 3 are also already on sale, and while they're not free, I've kept the prices as low as I can.


    To get it on Amazon, click here: http://mybook.to/ArchieBridge


    To get it elsewhere, click here for a choice of stores: https://books2read.com/u/4AzG7q

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