• Sunburn lockdown sale

    20 April 2020

    With so many gory YA horror books under my belt, it would be logical to expect my adult novels to be up there challenging Stephen King and Clive Barker on the blood-soaked, nightmare-inducing front. In fact, although most of my Darren Dash books do have a very dark edge to them, I've only written one true horror novel for adults -- that was SUNBURN, a cheerfully OTT tale about a young man who gets sizzlingly sunburnt while on holiday in Bulgaria, then runs into a most unusual beast with a taste for humans flesh...


    The eBook of Sunburn has become the second of my Lockdown Sales -- a chance for people to snap up my adult books for a bargain during these strange, challenging times. All this week, readers in the USA can buy Sunburn for just $0.99, and readers in the UK can get it for just £0.99. The following link will direct you to your local store.




    Amazon doesn't allow authors to run Kindle sales in their other territories (why?!?) but the eBook isn't terribly expensive -- the equivalent of $2.99, if not a bit cheaper.


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  • Comments

    No Avatardavid hawkins
    22, Apr, 2020
    Hello, Darren Shan. I just wanted to say that around a month ago I sent you a message tell you that I was writing you a letter. I am not sure if you got the message or not, but I sent this message to tell you that I have finished the letter, but had to delay sending it to you because I did not have any stamps. But I will get enough stamps to send it to you, though. (Although I am not exactly sure when, but I am hoping it is soon). Okay, I guess this will be the end of my message. Until I message you again or send my letter (whichever comes first), farewell, Darren Shan!:)
    Your #1 fan,
    David Hawkins.
    :) :) :)

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