• Sunburnt Black Friday

    26 November 2020

    First of all -- Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends, followers and fellow freaks in the USA! (I included my Canadian fans when I originally posted this, until someone helpfully pointed out that they had their Thanksgiving day last month!!! Whoops!!!!) I hope you all have a wonderful day, even if you can't spend it with family and friends in quite the same way that you do most years. Chins up, folks -- we'll be back to normal this time next year, hopefully!!


    Secondly, it's Black Friday tomorrow, and I couldn't let it pass without offering a little sale! So I've temporarily reduced the price of the eBook of SUNBURN, a horror novel for adults that I released under the name of Darren Dash a few years ago. During the sale, it will cost just $0.99 in the USA, £0.99 in the UK, €0.99 in European countries, $0.99 in Canada, $0.99 in Australia, and the equivalent of the American price in all other Amazon stores.


    Normally when I run a sale like this, it's confined to the UK and USA, because of the limitations of the Kindle Countdown Deal (why, oh why, do they limit the deals to just two territories?!?). But this time, with Christmas just around the corner, I decided "To hell with it!" and manually lowered prices across the board. My advice is to make hay while the sun shines -- I only get half my normal royalty rate by doing it this way, so I won't be able to run a deal like this too often!


    Click on this link to be directed to your local Amazon store: http://mybook.to/sunburnebook


    Oh, and it's worth pointing out that the eBook of Book One of my new Archibald Lox series (a Darren Shan fantasy series for middle graders upwards) is ALWAYS FREE. You can get it through any of the main eBook sellers -- Apple, Kobo, Google Play, B&N, etc. -- but here's a direct link to your local Amazon store, since most of you buy it through there: http://mybook.to/ArchieBridge


    Happy shopping, people!!!


    p.s. Sunburn is also available as a paperback worldwide, or you can read it (or any of my other Darren Dash novels) for FREE anytime if you're a member of Kindle Unlimited. To find out more about my Darren Dash books, visit http://www.darrendashbooks.com


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