• Tattoo Tuesday - Morgan

    14 September 2021

    The latest Shanster to join the hallowed ranks of those featured on a Tattoo Tuesday post is called MORGAN, who went for this full-blooded recreation of the UK hardback cover for Lord Loss -- arrrrrooooOOOOOOO!!!!


    It's a beautifully brought-to-life tattoo, but I must be honest -- although I think this is a stunning image, I always kind of regretted that my publishers went with it for Lord Loss. It was book 1 in the series, and they hadn't yet settled on a long-term, overall design theme. Many of the elements were in place, and it certainly fits in nicely with the others, but from book 2 they went with a visualisation of characters from each book -- Artery on book 2, Cadaver on book 3, etc. With this one, they told the artist to capture the spirit of the piece (it's often forgotten that the main storyline revolves around the uncovering a werewolf -- I can't help grinning whenever an eager fan asks me if I'm ever going to write about werewolves, because I already did!). The image certainly does that -- and, as I said, I think it's stunning, and it jumped out at customers in book stores around the country, so it definitely did the job it was meant to do -- but the OCD in wishes they'd gone with an actual character from the book, so that it tied in perfectly with the other nine covers.


    You can find all those covers, by the way, on my web site, along with the covers from every other country in the world where my books have been legally published (*I'm looking at YOU with narrowed eyes, Iran!*) in a section which is rather obviously labeled... COVERS!!! :-) https://darrenshan.com/covers


    If you want to be among the first to lay eyes on all the upcoming covers of my books in the years ahead, as I release new titles or older works get reissued, SUBSCRIBE for my monthly newsletter, where I almost always exclusively reveal such items, by clicking here: https://darrenshan.com/news/subscribe


    And if you want to check out the current issue of that aforementioned newsletter, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly



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