02 June 2021

    A lady called Aine posted four photos of her bookshelves on Twitter, including one which featured several of my books, and had the following to say about them:


    "i hate this tweet because the theme is physical books i have on my shelves but haven't read yet & i HATE myself"


    I bear Aine no ill will. In fact, her post made me chuckle out loud, because I have LOADS of books my my shelves which I haven't yet got around to reading. In fact a good few of them date back to my student days, i.e. THIRTY YEARS AGO!!! I never had much money as a student, but I was very adept at finding second-hand books at bargain prices, and snapped up as many of them as I could afford. I'm still very slowly working my way through those, juggling them with much more recent purchases, but it doesn't bother me that so many of them are sitting there, spines yet to be cracked by me, because I think it's a GOOD thing to have a healthy TBR pile. It means I never have far to go when I'm looking for my next good read.


    And if I die before I make my way through them all? Well, I guess they can bury them with me, and I'll even have something "new" to read in the next world!!! :-)



    Speaking of new things to read -- the June issue of my Shanville Monthly newsletter went live yesterday. You can check it out here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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