• The Ballad of Darren

    18 July 2023

    I have subscriptions to three magazines -- Empire (movies), National Geographic (world events), and Mojo (music). My latest issue of Mojo arrived today, and when I tored it open, I found myself staring at the back cover, an advert for Blur's upcoming new album, which is called... THE BALLAD OF DARREN!!! Awww -- how sweet of them to name an album after me!! I never knew they were such big fans of mine!!! :-) :-) :-)


    In all seriousness, while I'm sure that title has absolutely nothing to do with ME, I'll still definitely be having a listen to the album, as, although I wouldn't describe myself as a massive fan, I'm a long-time admirer of the band, have listened to most of their stuff over the years, and even saw them live in Hyde Park a long time ago. With a name like that, it can't fail to be a classic!!!


    In other news, I started my very FINAL edit of my next Darren Dash book today. My editor, Zoe, sent me her edited manuscript at the start of the month, and now that I'm back from holidays in England, I'm able to sit down and plough through it one last time, taking Zoe's feedback/comments/corrections on board and using them to help me craft it into as fine a shape as I possibly can before I release it out into the world later in the year. The last lap starts here -- although, since it's a time-travelling novel, linear concepts such as starts and finishes are a bit nebulous this time round... :-) :-)


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