• The Missing Princess hardback - half price

    17 August 2021

    While surfing around on the net, I wound up on the Amazon page for the hardback edtiton of Archibald Lox Volume One: The Missing Princess, and noticed you can currently buy it at a massive 49% discount, and figured I'd best share that info with the rest of you, as it probably won't stay at that ultra low price for very long! It normally costs $32, but at the moment you can buy it for almost half price -- just $16.39. Click here: https://www.amazon.com/Archibald-Lox-Missing-Princess-Volumes/dp/1910009148


    The paperback edition is also on sale, at a similarly huge 47% discount, and costs just $11.60, in case you would prefer to buy it in that format. Click here: https://www.amazon.com/Archibald-Lox-Missing-Princess-Volumes/dp/1910009105/


    I had a quick look around at other Amazon stores, and in the UK the hardback is also on sale -- only at a 24% discount, but at £18.99 it's still pretty good value in my opinion. Click here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Archibald-Lox-Missing-Princess-Volumes/dp/1910009148/


    And in Canada you can buy the hardback at a very substantial 33% discount, for just $27.09. Click here: https://www.amazon.ca/Archibald-Lox-1-Missing-Princess/dp/1910009148/


    The Missing Princess collects the first three books of the series into one big omnibus edition, and presents them as a single storyline, the way I originally wrote the first Volume and intended for it to be read. If you're new to the series, the eBooks are the cheapest way to buy it (you can get The Missing Princess ebook for just $2.99 at the moment, or your local equivalent), but if you prefer a physical edition, my recommendation is to go for The Missing Princess rather than buy the three paperbacks of the books, especially if you can get it at the incredible low prices listed above.


    For more info about books 4, 5 and 6 of the series, which are being released this summer, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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