• The perfect read for Midsummer’s Day

    20 June 2020

    It's Midsummer's Day in the Western Hemisphere today, so I kind of feel obligated to give a shout-out to my Darren Dash novel, Midsummer's Bottom, which is set in the run-up to the longest day of the year, and reaches its rib-tickling climax on a balmy, dreamy Midsummer's night.


    "Rib-tickling?" "Balmy?" "Dreamy?"


    Not words you'd normally associate with a Darren Shan or Darren Dash book, but Midsummer's Bottom is quite unlike anything else I've ever published. A fantastical comedy, inspired by Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, this focuses on a group of very bad actors and a bunch of very mischievous fairies, and... well... let's just say that while you'll hopefully howl with fear or shock when you're usually reading one of my books, in this instance you'll only be (hopefully!) howling with laughter!!


    I wasn't sure if the world was ready for a Dashing slice of comedy, but the response to Midsummer's Bottom has been overwhelmingly positive, as you'll see by the reviews from critics and readers for it on its Amazon pages. The book is on sale through Amazon stores worldwide, and you can find it in your local Amazon store by clicking on the following link:




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