• The Times of India

    19 December 2020

    I'm always amazed by how far across the world's consciousness I've managed to stretch with my books. When I wrote the first draft of Cirque Du Freak back in 1997, I was living with my parents, drawing unemployment benefits, and apart from a trip to Spain when I was an infant, and a school trip to France, Belgium and Germany when I was a teenager, I'd never travelled outside of Ireland and the UK. The idea that my name might one day be recognisable in countries on the far side of the world... well, I'd have said it was fantasy.


    But to my surprise and delight, that's what happened, and even though my most recent Archibald Lox books haven't enjoyed the same kind of globally conquering success as my vampire books, they set antenna twitching far beyond the confines of my home country when they were released back in late March. In fact I even got a mention in The Times of India, in an article about how the pandemic had affected the release of new books. You can check it out here:




    If you haven't yet dipped into my new series, this might be a good time to check it out, since I'm running a sale on all the Archibald Lox eBooks this week. You can pick up the entire Volume 1 for just $3 USA, £2.50 UK, €2.75 in Europe, or a similar price in your local currency -- that's 220 rupees in India! You also have the choice of buying it as 3 small books or 1 big collected Volume. Click here for more info & buying links: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/article/archibald-lox-sale1



    SHANTA is back!! Bridging all the different worlds in the Shan Universe, this Christmas story is the only place you'll ever find Lord Loss rubbing shoulders with Mr Tiny and Archibald Lox! It will disappear for another year not long after Christmas Day, so click on this link ASAP before you miss it! https://www.darrenshan.com/extras

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