• The Works Demonata sale

    24 January 2020

    I highlighted this sale in the run-up to Christmas, and I know many of you swooped like vultures to take advantage of it. (I did too, adding several sets to my collection, to use as giveaways at some point down the road.) I don't know how they're selling them at such a crazy low price -- with shipping costs, they must surely be making a monetary loss! I think the most likely scenario is that they're being used as a loss leader, i.e. they're being sold incredibly cheap in the hope of attracting customers who will buy other books as well. Or else they just ended up with a load of them in a warehouse and decided to flog them for next-to-nothing rather than pulp them.




    What I'm talking about are the 10 books in my The Demonata series. They're on sale, as a boxed set (the box they come in is really cool too), from The Works in the UK and Ireland, for just £7.50.


    Yes. £7.50. For all 10 books. Which equates to 75 pence per book.


    Don't miss this one, because I doubt you'll ever find a brand new set for that price again once the sale ends.


    They only ship to Ireland and the UK, so my apologies to fans elsewhere in the world. But, hey, if you've ever considered moving to live here, maybe this will help convince you that now is as good a time to move as any... :-)




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